Thursday, August 31, 2017
Booster Club Travel Bag
Booster Club will be distributing HS travel bag to G9 students and new G10-12 students on September 4 (Mon) - September 8 (Friday) during lunch hours outside HS cafeteria. Details HERE.
from Finalsite Academy News
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
from Finalsite Academy News
Aug 31, Thursday
ISB Ski School
Any students interested in joining the ISB ski school, some information will go out on the ISB activities blog and to Middle School homerooms next week.
Club Football
ClubFootball junior soccer coaching courses at ISB will kick off from this Saturday - to register for midweek or weekend courses, or for more info, please call 5130 6893/4/5/6, mail, or see WGQXJuniors.
Found item
Earphone, please check at MS office.
from Finalsite Academy News
Precious Stones: 1920s Gemstone Postcards from the British Museum
I sometimes get lost in Pala International's "Gemformation" -- a series of newsletters that comes out monthly and is compiled and backdated on their website. So much valuable information, much of it straight from the desk of the infamous Bill Larson, world-renowned gem and mineral expert. If you're unfamiliar I highly recommend reading his story-book bio on his website, it is fascinating to say the least!
In the July 2016 edition, I was incredibly gaga over the collection of gemstone postcards created by the British Museum. The story goes, "According to a story by postcard-collector John Taylor in the Jan/Feb 2009 edition of Rocks & Minerals, these cards were printed in about the 1920s by Waterlow & Sons. The firm was an engraver of currency, postage stamps, and stock and bond certificates. James Waterlow's son Sydney (1822–1906) eventually became Sheriff of the City of London, during which time he was knighted, and later became that city's Lord Mayor."
Each one is a piece of art and the colors are magnificient. Thanks to Bill Larson for digitizing these in the best way possible. There are forty cards total, all of which can be seen here. I've included quite a few favorites in this blog post--it was hard to narrow down my absolute favorites!
If you like information like this, feel free to sign up for the PalaGems' Gemformation newsletter:
from Gem Gossip
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Welcome Breakfast Engages ISB's New Parents
from Finalsite Academy News
5 Benefits of Cold Showers
Content originally published and Shared from
Showering is an essential part of a healthy routine, but depending on the temperature, your time spent under the water can offer different benefits for your skin and some bodily functions too. Learn about the surprising health benefits of a taking a cold shower in this article.
Image Source: Flickr
Increase Alertness
Taking a cold shower in the morning, and feeling cold water pour down over our body seems more horrifying than soothing. However, the deep breathing in response to our body’s shock helps us keep warm, as it’s increases our overall oxygen intake. Thus, our heart rate will also increase, releasing a rush of blood through our entire body. This gives us a natural dose of energy for the day. Source: MedicalDaily
Stimulate Weight Loss
Another way cold showers will make you look better, is by promoting fat loss.
Most people don’t know this, but there are two types of fat in your body. Brown fat & white fat. White fat is bad. It’s the body fat that we all hate so much. Brown fat is good. It’s function is to generate heat and keep your body warm.
When you take a cold shower, brown fat is activated, resulting in an increase in energy and calories burned to keep your body warm. So much so that according to this study, cold temperatures can increase brown fat by 15X the normal amount, which can result in 9 pounds of weight loss per year. Source: Menprovement
Refine Hair and Skin
If you’d like to reduce the appearance of acne, cold showers could do the job. Hot water dries out your skin, while cold water tightens your cuticles and pores, preventing them from getting clogged. You can also use cold showers for shinier, more attractive hair that your partner can’t resist playing with. Cold water will close your cuticle, making it less likely dirt can accumulate in your scalp. Source: Lifehack
Build Strong Will Power
The next day was more of the same, but I noticed I had more apprehension this time around before hopping in the shower. This trend continued throughout the following mornings as well. If I knew how great it made me feel, then why didn’t I eagerly throw myself underneath the icy spray? The experience reminded me of a famous old saying, one that has been attributed to a bunch of authors: “I don’t enjoy writing. I enjoy having written.” I don’t like taking cold showers, I just like the way they make me feel after I’ve already dried off.
The week has been a success, and I’ve assured myself that I will keep taking cold showers in the mornings. However, it won’t be easy. I mean, have you taken a hot shower? It’s the best. Source: Prevention
Strengthen Immunity
According to a study done in 1993 by the Thrombosis Research Institute in England, individuals who took daily cold showers saw an increase in the number of virus fighting white blood cells compared to individuals who took hot showers. Researchers believe that the increased metabolic rate, which results from the body’s attempt to warm itself up, activates the immune system and releases more white blood cells in response. Source: Artofmanliness
Perfect Bath
Phone: Toll Free 1-866-843-1641
Calgary, Alberta
The post 5 Benefits of Cold Showers appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.
from Perfect Bath Canada
Roots & Shoots
Hey guys!! Roots & Shoots is having our first event during WEDNESDAY LUNCH! We will be giving away shaved ice of two flavors: lime & strawberry-papaya as a prize! All you have to do to earn this reward is answer one of our questions correctly. Thats all! ONLY ONE!! Its super easy. Swing by our table during lunchtime in the Cafeteria to come win your shaved ice :) It's open to anyone.
from Finalsite Academy News
Book Review: Women Jewellery Designers
ACC Publishing will release their newest jewelry book--the oversized and highly impressive book is titled Women Jewellery Designers by Juliet Weir-de La Rochefoucauld. My review can be found in my latest article for the Observer: These 4 Women Are the Biggest Innovators in Jewelry Design
Here's the link:
You can order your copy here:
from Gem Gossip
Writer in Residence
from Finalsite Academy News
10 Tips for Success in High School
from Finalsite Academy News
Monday, August 28, 2017
STUCO Members of 2017-2018!
Class of 2021:
President: Austin Li
AC: William Zhou
PR: Siming Feng
Secretary: Austin Wang
Class of 2020
President: Christina Ellis
AC: Helen Shu
PR: Perry Dong
Secretary: Alan Wang
Class 2019
President: Sung Cho
Activities Coordinator: Leo Cheng
PR: Issac Tong
Secretary: Justin Zeng
Class of 2018
President: Spencer Shia
Activities Coordinator: Brian Liu
PR: Jean Hsu
Secretary: Catherine Sze
Executive Council
President: Sean Bai
AC: Max Barte
PR: William Lee
Secretary: Sang Yoon Choi
from Finalsite Academy News
Read This Before Buying Antique Jewelry Online or Through Instagram!
Both Lauren and I have noticed a slightly frightening upsurge in the amount of overnight "antique jewelry dealers" these past few months. I've nominated Lauren to give her insight and take on this, along with some important tips we should all be award of before buying any antique piece online or via Instagram. I'll let Lauren take it away:
Selling fine second-hand jewelry is no simple task that just anyone can pick up by attending a few estate sales. Dealers must continually strive to expand their education and invest in their business so they can offer the best and most honest experience to their customers.
For me, selling antique jewelry was something I fell into by chance in late 2005. I learned my most basic knowledge by apprenticing under a few dealers that had been in the business for decades. This oral history only took me so far. I then conquered many books, took classes, and met with as many other dealers and jewelers as I could.
This happenstance quickly turned into a full on passion; perhaps it’s even my calling if there is such a thing. Over the next nine years, I evolved my business, Ageless Heirlooms until it took form as a brick and mortar shop on the busiest street in town. The lessons are countless and the experience over these years was immeasurably valuable.
Sometimes life takes you unexpected places, and the moment that I could no longer devote 100% of my time to selling antique jewelry was when I decided to take a huge step backward and regroup in late 2014. I closed my brick and mortar shop and continued writing about jewelry, in the hopes that one day I would get back into retail and help reconnect heirlooms with their next generation keepers.
During my almost three year departure from retail, the antique jewelry business changed a lot. The antique jewelry market, like most any business, has always been prone to scammers and dishonesty. But as this niche market keeps expanding, I’ve noticed that more and more dealers pop in and out of the scene -- some legitimate and others that are trying to take advantage of the trend. It saddens me to think that there are dealers out there that are either intentionally or unknowingly misguiding their consumers. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth and perpetuates the idea that buying fine second-hand jewelry is a shady practice. I assure you, it’s not.
Shopping for estate jewelry takes a certain degree of trust in the people you’re buying from, especially if you’re just learning all the ins and outs. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to help you decide if you’re buying from someone who is worth supporting.
1. Are they GIA certified or have any other accreditations?
To have your GIA certification is arguably the most important feat in the fine jewelry world. This certification shows that the dealer has put a tremendous investment in their education and are much more competent at grading gemstones than someone that doesn’t have it. If you’re buying very high-end antique jewelry, this question should be high on your priority list. What schooling has this person gone through? If they haven’t, have they had someone else that is GIA certified look over the item in question?
2. How many years have they been in business?
Ask me in my first few years of selling antique jewelry if this question was important, and I would still agree that yes, it is. I was so fortunate that so many customers took a chance on me in my early years, but I had a full backing from other partners that had many years experience under their belts. It wasn’t until I had over five years experience that I considered going out on my own. Sometimes it’s worth it to take a chance on someone, but make sure you get to know them a little bit first.
3. Are their prices consistent with other dealers?
Antique jewelry isn’t always an apples to apples comparison. But, in the broad scope, prices for similar pieces should fall within a similar range. Anything that is way off the mark, whether priced too high or too low is a red flag for me.
However, sometimes antique jewelry businesses with lots of employees will have higher prices -- they need this markup to survive. This higher price is worth it at times because many of these businesses have access to rare antique jewelry that smaller dealers don’t. Pay a higher price only if that item is rare and other reputable dealers don’t have anything similar for less.
Too cheap a price could indicate that the item is a reproduction, is in poor shape, the dealer is a fly by night, or maybe you just found a bargain. Either way, it’s worth looking into more thoroughly.
4. Do they have a brick & mortar shop or a website?
Any signs that this person has invested time, money and energy into their business is a good thing. Do they have a website, an Etsy shop or a brick and mortar that they keep updated? Are they active on social media? That is a good indicator that this business is their primary source of income, and they take pride in it. People who take pride in their online businesses are less likely to jeopardize it by acting shady.
5. How is their feedback/online reviews?
If the person is selling on Etsy or eBay, it is an absolute no brainer to read as much of their feedback as possible before you purchase. This won’t necessarily be a foolproof method, but it certainly helps when you’re buying on the internet.
6. Do you see any reproductions being passed off as old?
It might be hard to know what reproductions look like from a picture, but they are out there in full force! If you have browsed some sites that openly sell reproduction jewelry like Jan's Jewells, you’ll have some idea which items are being remade. If you catch a reproduction being passed off as old, or the description is vague using terms like “antique-style Art Deco ring”, this is a red flag. Let me know if you’re interested in more ways you can spot reproductions online because there’s a lot that can be said here!
7. Do you notice that some items aren’t dated?
I’ve seen it where some antique jewelry dealers want to sell reproductions (they are easier to find and are cheaper), but they don’t want to be upfront about it for whatever reason. If you spot jewelry on a dealer’s site that has no mention of the item’s age at all, this is a red flag. Ask them openly if the item is new or old, and hopefully, if they passed a lot of these other questions, they’ll be honest and tell you.
Do you have any other ways you vet out antique jewelry sellers? Let me know in the comments and as always, happy hunting!
This post was contributed by:
Lauren Thomann | I: @agelessheirlooms | W:
from Gem Gossip
Sunday, August 27, 2017
If you would be keen to work on your speed, endurance, strength and flexibility on Tuesdays or Thursdays after school, please come to a short meeting at 11:15 at the start of lunch on Thursday in the The Glass Box.
This will be a great opportunity to do some sport specific work out of season or to complement what you are doing at practice right now!
from Finalsite Academy News
IB Meeting
Gr. 11 Students are reminded to meet the IB coordinator in the Theater on Tuesday during flex time. Bring your laptop. This meeting is for all grade 11 students who attend even one IB year 1 class.
from Finalsite Academy News
Fifth Block This Week
Gr. 12 students are reminded that fifth block this Wednesday is allocated to Chinese L&L HL class. See your teacher for expectations, locations and times.
from Finalsite Academy News
Flex Time This Week
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Grade Level Assembly G9 in Gym 2 G10 in Upper Gallery G11 in MPR G12 in Theater |
Mentoring for Grade 9 Study Hall for Grade 10 & 12 IB Meeting in the Theatre for all Grade 11 students |
No Flex |
Mentoring for all |
Mentoring for Grade 9 Study Hall for Grade 10-12 |
from Finalsite Academy News
FCD Parent Meeting
Feedback: Hear the results from the Student Attitudes and Behavior Survey our students completed last fall
Parents, mark your calendars for this high school parent session. It will take place on Tuesday, September 5th, 10:00am – 11:30am in the Upper Gallery.
Click here for more information.
from Finalsite Academy News
Saturday, August 26, 2017
Basalt by Pennyfarthing– Prices, Plans, Availability
At a Glance
- attractive Cambie Corridor location
- 6-storey concrete building
- 49 family-friendly condominiums
- 3 two-storey townhouses
- steps from Queen Elizabeth Park
- close to Hillcrest Community Centre recreation
- near Oakridge Shopping Centre
- easy access to Canada Line
Marked by Refinement
The Cambie Collection by Pennyfarthing Homes continues its legacy on Vancouver’s West Side with Basalt, 51 contemporary residences, located at 35th Avenue and Cambie Street. Marked by refinement, this fourth chapter of the Cambie Story exemplifies Pennyfarthing’s continued commitment to design excellence and quality craftsmanship. Find balance with nature at Queen Elizabeth Park just steps away, and live amid a diverse selection of amenities on the Cambie Corridor.
Find Out About New Presales & Get Access to VIP Openings & Special Promotions!
Are you a realtor? Click here
Basalt’s excellent West Side location provides you and your family with an enviable choice of shopping, services, schools, and recreation within easy walking distance. Just a short stroll down Cambie Street is Oakridge Centre with grocery shopping at Kin’s Farmers Market and Safeway, banks, a pharmacy, post office, public library, telecom providers, medical centre, cafes, restaurants, Hudson’s Bay department store, home decor stores, travel agencies, boutique shopping, and specialty shops. Enjoy unparalleled leisure activities at Queen Elizabeth Park, Hillcrest Community Centre, Nat Bailey Stadium, Riley Park, and Vancouver Racquets Club. Experience convenience by design at Basalt.
Pricing for Basalt
As this project is in pre-construction, Pennyfarthing has not yet released pricing information. Given the success of Pennyfarthing’s other Cambie Corridor projects, however, expect Basalt to sell out quickly. Sign up to our VIP list today to ensure you receive updates on all the latest developments.
Floor Plans for Basalt
Basalt will offer the following family-friendly mix of residences:
- 8 x 3-bedrooms
- 27 x 2-bedrooms
- 12 x 1-bedrooms
- 1 studio
- 3 x 2-bedroom townhouses
Those with a serious interest in living at Basalt should contact me to discuss availability, plans, and pricing.
Amenities at Basalt
Residents will enjoy use of a shared amenity space on the ground floor and a landscaped courtyard between the main building and the laneway townhomes. Each of the ground floor units have private patios, while top-floor penthouse suites include a private rooftop patio.
Parking and Storage
Vehicle and bicycle parking are provided within two levels of underground parking accessed from the lane. Plans propose 65 parking spaces, of which three are handicapped, 64 bicycle spaces, and one Class A loading bay. Each townhouse will have private access to its own parking space. Most residences will have their own in-suite storage. There will also be 17 bulk storage spaces on level P2 of the underground.
Maintenance Fees at Basalt
To be included in final pricing information.
Developer Team for Basalt
Since its formation in 1980, Pennyfarthing Homes has fulfilled the home ownership dreams of nearly 3,000 home buyers throughout the Lower Mainland, Washington State, and California, all the while setting exacting standards of integrity, reliability and professionalism. Following on Bennington House, Grayson, and Hawthorne, this is Pennyfarthing’s fourth Cambie Corridor development.
Pennyfarthing has chosen Shift Architecture to design Basalt. Shift is a high-performance practice with a track record of respected, inspired projects throughout Vancouver and the Lower Mainland. With proven expertise in multi-family housing, Shift boasts a diverse portfolio of residential, commercial, healthcare, and mixed-use developments. Renowned for its collaborative design process, Shift’s team of core personnel draws upon a deep collective well of experience spanning decades.
Expected Completion for Basalt
Estimated sales launch is Fall 2017.
Are you interested in learning more about other homes in the Cambie Corridor, Kerrisdale, or Mount Pleasant?
Check out these great Cambie Corridor Presales!
The post Basalt by Pennyfarthing– Prices, Plans, Availability appeared first on Mike Stewart.
from Blog – Mike Stewart
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Choosing a Bathroom Countertop
Content originally published and Shared from
Choosing amongst the various types of vanity top will depend on a number of factors. Appearance and ease of maintenance are two of the main things to consider. Here are three of the best materials you can find:
Image Source: Flickr
Granite and Marble
In a master bath, it pays to install granite or marble, which attract buyers at resale and give the vanity top a rich, sleek look. And with affordable “grades” of granite available on the market today, you don’t have to empty your wallet for this feature. You will, of course, spend more on granite than laminate, but the result is a surface that can handle heat and wear. Be advised: granite must be sealed to repel grease (which you could run into in hair products and such). Marble stains easily, while granite stands up to most stains. Source: HGTV
Ceramic is another common material used in the construction of vanity tops. This material offers almost unlimited color choices and is easily cleaned and maintained. Ceramic is typically manufactured in both glazed and unglazed finishes. It is also possible to mix different colors and textures for a customized look. A grout sealer should be used for ceramic countertop applications to prevent the growth of mildew. Source: WiseGeek
Manufactured Quartz
Manufactured quartz is one of the most popular options for countertops of all types, including bathroom vanities. It looks similar to a natural stone, like limestone, granite, or marble, but it is more durable and better equipped to resist stains and scratching. Quartz is actually a synthetic composite, comprised of about ninety percent quartz particles. It can be ordered in a range of colors and customizable thickness options, and it is a great choice if you want a unique or customized vanity edge. Source: Ebay
We can help you find the best quality vanity that will perfectly fit your bathroom. Contact us!
Perfect Bath
Phone: Toll Free 1-866-843-1641
Calgary, Alberta
The post Choosing a Bathroom Countertop appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.
from Perfect Bath Canada
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Join the Nightingale Charity Club!
Are YOU Loving? Creative? Fun? Dedicated? Looking for a great club to join? If you answer yes to any of these then NCC is the club for you! Nightingale Charity Club is a group of students that engage with the local community through various acts of service. Currently, we are working closely with the Langfang Orphanage. We engage in fun activities with the kids and provide them with love, care, and emotional support that would otherwise be unfamiliar to them. In addition, we also host a variety of fundraisers throughout the year (for example Winter Fair, Food Week, Spring Fair Booths – Foam Pool, DIY T-Shirts and Hats, Shaving Cream.) All of the proceeds go towards children in need of urgent or long-term medical care!
from Finalsite Academy News
Join the Student Wellness Council!
We are a close group that is committed to promoting wellness – physical, mental, emotional, and environmental within the ISB community through planning yummy food sales and hosting fun activities!!
If so, stop by 1108 on Friday at lunchtime (11:20-11:50) with your lunch to join Student Wellness Council and see what we're about!
from Finalsite Academy News
Hope Healing Home Visits are Starting Soon!
Hope Healing Home is a local foster center that cares for and supports children with special medical needs. ISB has a long relationship with the home and has been supporting them in various ways for several years. Beginning the weekend of September 1st, we will resume our weekly visits with trips on both Saturdays and Sundays (8:30 – 12:00).
The commitment to this service activity involves attending the full 12 sessions and while you are there, contributing and engaging positively with the children and staff at the home. There will be a brief but mandatory information and sign up meeting on Monday, August 28th at lunch in Room 2113, beginning promptly at 11:20. If you cannot make this meeting but would like to sign up you must contact Miss Angela Fournier (afournier).
If you have any questions before the meeting, please pop by and see me.
Miss Angela
Office 2207 or Room 2113
from Finalsite Academy News
MS HS Cafeteria Notice
Due to the constricted space and crowding at MS and HS lunch times, the small door by the corner of the coffee shop will be closed and locked over lunch times. The main entry will be by the large door by the PTA store. The closure times will be :
Mon, Tue, Thur and Fri 11.00- 12.30
Wednesdays : 11.00 - 1.15
This will start on Thursday 24th August. It will be trialed for a few weeks and then reviewed. In the meanwhile, Chartwells, Security and Facilities are looking at longer term plans to ease movement in this area of the cafeteria.
from Finalsite Academy News
from Finalsite Academy News
Leslie Hindman Auction: September Sale is INCREDIBLE
You'll be enchanted forever by this ring, up for bid at Leslie Hindman Auction in Chicago, IL -- this is lot 87 in the three-day bidding extravaganza.
Four mesmerizing opals are on the block at Leslie Hindman, day one, and they come back-to-back in lots 377-380. Get your bidding paddles up!
Earlier this year, I got the opportunity to get a behind-the-scenes look at the Leslie Hindman Auctioneers jewelry headquarters in Chicago, IL. To say I've got some perspective on how an auction house runs is far from the truth, but I came away being able to put faces with names, insight into a typical day, and a brief intake of the enormous amount of sparkle the jewelry department works with. It was one of my most favorite experiences of this year! Now when I hear that Leslie Hindman has an upcoming auction this September (the 10th-12th to be exact) I have more context of the event, as they are excited to bring a three-day extravaganza with some heavy and hard-hitting bidding in the future. This three-day auction will feature over 1500 items of all price points and eras. If you like big and bold, Victorian or Modern, opals or rubies, they've got something for everyone.
Let's take a look at some of my top picks:
Lot 6: Nothing beats an Etruscan Revival basketweave wrap bracelet! This is such a fine example and I love the gemstones used on it--sapphire and diamonds! It gives it a cool look against the warm yellow gold. I also love the granulation work, in both excellent and ready-to-wear condition. This piece may date back to 1870, but never looked more trendy than on an elegant wrist in 2017. Estimate: $3,000-5,000
Lot 55: Lately I've written several articles on engagement rings and I've been finding that women are wanting something traditional but with a twist! This ring speaks volumes with just the small accent sapphires, as it makes the ring totally unique. The piece is Art Deco and set with a 3.24 carat Old European cut diamond in the center. Love the style and think it should belong to someone who will treasure it as an engagement ring. Estimate: $10,000-15,000
Lot 68: I've seen the benefits of purchasing pieces that are convertible and this is a fine example of a two-in-one! Meet the silver-topped diamond pendant/brooch of your dreams. This piece totals over five carats of old cut diamonds and radiates from every angle. I could picture it being worn on a chain or worn pinned to a collar. The possibilities are really endless. Estimate: $4,000-6,000
Lot 86: The only kind of bugs I like are jewelled insects! This guy is one for the books--look how cute he is. Set with rose cut diamonds all-original to the piece and a jaw-dropping opal back. I love the detail on the textured gold legs and the ruby eyes. It's all in the details. Estimate: $2,000-3,000
Lot 111A: Plique a jour is jewelry's version of stained glass and I must say, I don't own a single piece of this beautiful artform. These earrings though, should and would be the best first piece of plique a jour to add to my collection. I love the colors and I love the design. They are 18k yellow gold and feature 12 brilliant cut diamonds. Estimate: $500-700
Lot 118: This diamond and ruby ring stopped me in my tracks. Wow. It is done in platinum and set with a marquise cut in the center, with calibre French cut rubies and round diamond accents. It is pristinely made and you can see the remarkable craftsmanship even in the photo alone--now I want to see it in person! It could be yours on September 10th. Estimate: $4,500-6,500
Lot 124: This ring is so cool for so many reasons! Let's start with the fact that it has contrasting metals--rose gold and platinum. The design is also pretty amazing, and the different metals really play off this element. The rubies are actually different, if you already couldn't tell--one is synthetic and the other is genuine. Such a stunning ring. Estimate: $4,500-6,500
Lot 300: The coolest earrings I ever did see. These are actually diamond studs with detachable jackets that easily slip on/off the earring posts. There are four jackets total, so lots of possibilities here! And the style of these has never been more on-trend. Geometric and angular, love them. The diamond studs total 2.26 carats. Estimate: 3,000-5,000
Lot 487: I had to include this insane emerald ring because of its colossal size--then I read further and realized it is a piece by Judy Geib. A true artist who hand makes everything herself--fun fact: did you know she taught herself how to make jewelry? No formal training. Her pieces are known for their juxtapositions--like beauty and rawness, fine gold mixed with silver. Estimate: $4,500-6,500
Lot 509: Iconic and chic, I had to include this cuff bracelet from Verdura into my favorites list! It is easily recognizable as a Verdura statement piece. Done in 18k yellow gold, set with peridot, amethyst, and diamond and complete with the Maltese cross enameled in black. What a special bracelet. Estimate: 28,000-38,000
This sponsored blog post was brought to you in collaboration with Leslie Hindman.
SEPTEMBER SALE: September 10th-12th
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from Gem Gossip
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Speech & Debate Club
from Finalsite Academy News
Roots & Shoots
from Finalsite Academy News
Join Interact Club!
Now that school has started, and everyone's gotten back into the swing of things, it's time to consider joining a charity club! Interact is a service based charity, with local and international projects. We visit nursing homes every month, and aim to make meaningful connections, share experiences and gain a new perspective in addition to the everyday student life. Interact also holds multiple fundraisers a year to raise money for international projects such as EndPolio. Be a part of a charity club that values service above self. Interact meetings are every Friday during lunch in room 1110. Contact either or for questions/details.
Thank you!
from Finalsite Academy News
Monday, August 21, 2017
PTA Outing to Mutianyu Greatwall
Saturday, September 16, 8am - 4:30pm
Join us to for:
- Beautiful Autumn
- Fresh Air
- Fun Company
- New Friends
- Scenery
For more information click here. Sign-up by emailing: or wechat: lucyhmwu Tel: 13581831168
from Finalsite Academy News
Three New Families at ISB: The Meiers, the Zhangs, and the Wroblewskis
from Finalsite Academy News
Chinese Drama Club-Every Tuesday
from Finalsite Academy News
Schedule Changes
Tuesday, 22 August
Schedule Changes: Today is the last day to turn in schedule change request forms. Completed forms need to be submitted to the High School Counseling Office by 3.30pm.
from Finalsite Academy News
Late Summer Update from Gem Gossip
I've been getting ready for a big trunk show that I'm doing up in Boston on September 7th at M. Flynn, so all the new acquisitions are killing me. So many great pieces I want to keep for myself! These three are my current favorites and I think they go SO WELL together.
I love acquiring pieces that I'm completely obsessed with and love more and more each day--this medallion is certainly one of them! I got it from Oakgem at the show in Las Vegas this year. It is 18k yellow gold and the blue gemstone is sodalite. To my surprise, the zodiac featured is Virgo (I didn't know it when I first got it) which is my zodiac, so it makes it even more special. Thanks to my Instagram followers who helped me figure out which zodiac it was.
I guess I've been unaware how drawn I am to spheres lately. My latest purchase was this moon lamp that I can't get enough of--I bought it from The Apollo Box, which has some really unique gift items on their site. The moon is apparently made using 3D print technology with eco-friendly materials. The photo on the right is from Instagram account @theearthsgems and I love everything about it! Look at all the variety of minerals and gems each are made of!
I had the pleasure of viewing a brand new jewelry line called Oli and Tess, a new venture for Polly Wheatley who started designing jewelry after 15 years in the fashion industry. She received a Victorian opal ring from her husband as a gift, which sparked her love for opals. After having a daughter, she wanted to design an opal ring to celebrate her birth, which is how her line indirectly began. Her work has an heirloom quality and feel, using all hand-selected opals.
We know how much I'm obsessed with Egyptian Revival jewelry, so this turquoise scarab collection was an awesome find! TBH it was a large pendant and one bracelet--I had my jeweler turn the bracelet into ten different pendants and I couldn't be happier with how they turned out! They will be offered for sale over on @shopGEMGOSSIP very soon!
Some treasures I brought back from my trip to Boston in the left photo--I added a carved Jade Buddha to my charm necklace from Long's Jewelers and these 14k yellow gold Tuck studs from e scott originals. The photo on the right is from last week at the county fair. I ate way too much fried foods (got super sick actually) and played some games. The games and the baby goats are my favorite part of the fair. Worst part of the fair: ruining your favorite sneakers and getting in the way so you end up being the reason why a sheep escapes. lol
Some of my newest acquisitions--this Victorian black enamel ring (I think the top piece is Victorian and it was made into a ring) was a really unique find. I'm still adjusting to it and might sell it but I don't know yet! Sometimes pieces speak to you right away, other times you have to grow to love them. I also got this '03 date ring from Rusted Anchor Antiques and I think it pair awesome with my big diamond band and gold Saxon chain ring from Walters Faith.
More favorites from my personal collection -- two pieces I want to talk about here: the 9k yellow gold Pacman hoop earrings by Ellie Air Jewellery and the letter D Vadabet charm set with a diamond from Vada Jewelry. Loving these two pieces so much right now.
I was working hard one day and that sometimes forces me to "disrobe" my jewelry, which is what I did. The pile of rings sitting in my windowsill against the sunlight were perfect in that moment, I had to capture it in a photo. The 1917 date ring was a cool find from Louison Rare & Fine when Angela had a 50% off sale. Yes, that's why it is important to follow everyone closely on Instagram because you never know when someone is going to have an insane sale.
The photo on the right was snapped in the car on the way back from Kentucky after a day full of antiquing. I somehow created a new collection (not that I need to collect anymore things) which consists of little porcelain dogs. I can't explain how the collection is not just any porcelain dog--they have to look somewhat cute/creepy in the strangest way possible. It's a very personal collection lol. The date ring I'm wearing here is from Eddie & Rose and it may be one of my favorite date rings in my collection.
Latest and greatest ear stack I've got going on, here's what it consists of: Paige Novick ear cuff, tiny huggie hoop from Stacy Nolan Jewelry, Paige Novick's newest creation from her Powerful Pretty Things collection the Prism Suspender earring worn upwards, Pacman hoops from Ellie Air Jewellery. My perfect summer ear stack!!
Seriously might be my favorite piece in my entire collection--I find it so rewarding to collect something for several years before you can finally piece it all together and make something of it. That's exactly what my figa collection is; years of collecting and one day randomly putting it together with my gold collar from Arrow & Anchor Antiques. These things were meant for each other. And I highly recommend getting a solid gold, stiff collar necklace for your charm collection. It will change the way you wear charms!
Here's a fun project I did over the summer: I took these three near and dear pieces that I hardly ever wear and mashed them together to form a giant long stick pendant. I actually am obsessed with it beyond words. Each is special to me, but the tanzanite pendant is most special of all. It was the first piece of jewelry I ever bought for myself...and I was in 7th grade! I learned about Tanzanite from the home shopping channels and fell in love with the stone. I went to the one and only jewelry store in my hometown mall and found this special pendant--it was $150. That was SO much money to me back when I was 13 years old. I put it on layaway and would do chores around the house and babysit. Eventually I earned enough to buy it and I wore it all the time.
This is just another styled look from over the summer--a jewelry look that I really liked paired with an off-the-shoulder top that I really love also. I think I've already gone over almost every piece that is pictured here, but if you're wondering about something in particular, let me know!
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