Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Message from ICT Office

The ICT Office would like to replace damaged laptop covers. We put together a very short survey so they know how many to purchase . Please take a minute to complete the survey. Once purchased, new covers will be distributed to homerooms before Winter Break.

Once the covers are distributed we will go back to enforcing the policy that all students must use a cover on their school MacBooks so make sure you complete the survey. The survey closes Dec 8th but don't put it off. Do it now! What are you waiting for? Go, go, go!

from Finalsite Academy News

Semester One Finals Detailed Schedule

Semester One Finals Detailed Schedule 

The detailed schedule, showing venues and clashes, is on Dragons Gate and Studywiz.


If you have a clash, you should be able to find your name listed, and a venue, in a later session.

Take a close look today.  Can you find all your exams and venues?

If there is a problem, come to see Mrs. Huang in the HS Office today.

from Finalsite Academy News

Found item

Found waterbottle. Please check at MS office.

from Finalsite Academy News

Mrs. Long's Yoga class

Please meet in 3300, my classroom, today.  There is an event going on in the dome today. 



from Finalsite Academy News

Keeping the Campus Clean and Safe

A reminder to all students about the importance of keeping the campus clean and safe.  Food and food remains left in and around the cafeteria and in other community spaces on campus may cause issues and attract pests.  ISB has an active pest control program, but the most important group to help provide and maintain a clean and safe learning environment is YOU!  Picking up after yourself in the cafeteria and around the campus will help to significantly reduce any issues in the future.  Please be vigilant in your efforts to pick up after yourself and eliminate leaving any food behind in these areas.  

from Finalsite Academy News

MS Art Contest (sponsored by HS Greenkeepers)

Hi everyone!


This is just a reminder that we are holding a very exciting art contest for the middle school. We posted a video earlier this week that you can watch for further information and criteria. 


Here, we would like to clarify some things:

You can sign up anytime, but the artwork is due on December 9th. 

Sign up if you want to participate (or are interested) on this epad:

Email if you have any questions!



from Finalsite Academy News


Participate in the MS Hour of Code:  Next Wednesday from 2:30 - 3:30 pm in the library, come join us for ISB's HOUR OF CODE!


Sign up here:

Please bring your laptop and a set of headphones.


If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Cormack or Mrs. Lemley.

MS Hour of code

from Finalsite Academy News

Daily Schedule (December 1)

Today is Day C - 1

from Finalsite Academy News

Monochrome Day!

What? Are we back in the 60s? Everything’s monochrome! 


Today’s theme is Monochrome Day! ISB MS will look like a rainbow full of color! Don’t forget to get your tickets for the function tomorrow. Today’s the last day that we’re selling them! Every ticket is just 20 RMB and it includes dinner and a movie! 


Tomorrow is the best day of the week: WALK ON THE WILD SIDE! Celebrate your inner randomness and go crazy on your outfit.


Today’s sellers are:

6-7 Sofia Snow 

7-4 Cecily Gleave

8-5 Austin Li 

8-6 Andy Sun 


MS STUCO Reps – remember to email your participation rates to our Secretary Kenny Do before 8:30am. Include your home room number and the number of people in your room who made the effort to in in the spirit!


from Finalsite Academy News

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Keeping the Campus Clean and Safe

A reminder to all students about the importance of keeping the campus clean and safe.  Food and food remains left in and around the cafeteria and in other community spaces on campus may cause issues and attract pests.  ISB has an active pest control program, but the most important group to help provide and maintain a clean and safe learning environment is YOU!  Picking up after yourself in the cafeteria and around the campus will help to significantly reduce any issues in the future.  Please be vigilant in your efforts to pick up after yourself and eliminate leaving any food behind in these areas.  

from Finalsite Academy News


Hey! You look just like me! You might even be my twin!


Today Is Twin Day! The one day where you can find your secret twin! Have fun going around and guessing who’s twinning with who!


And there’s even more: Today is the Banana Shuffle! It’s easy to participate! First, assemble together a team of 4 boys and 4 girls from the same grade. Next, write your team name, and your team list, on a piece of paper and hand it in to Mr. Fidler during lunch at the table next to Delimarché! You can come even if you’re not participating and cheer on your friends! Listen for Austin at Lunch as he calls for teams around 11:20am. Remember to have all your team members ready in the cafeteria. Well done Grade 6’ers, you already have some teams in. Where are the Grade 7 and 8 teams?


Tomorrow’s theme is Monochrome Day. Dress up all in one color and celebrate you color-coordination skills.


MS STUCO Reps – remember to email your participation rates to our Secretary Kenny Do before 8:30am. Include your home room number and the number of people in your room who made the effort to in in the spirit!



Today’s  ticket sellers:


Chelsey Wang 7-6

Rebekah Black 7-7

Amelia Lee 7-4 

Kenny Do 8-2


from Finalsite Academy News

Daily Schedule (November 30)

Today is Day B - 2

from Finalsite Academy News


Seniors, your ELO sign up is now ready! If you had already posted your preferences to Mr Mizzone and I through the Google form last week, we ask that you do it again as we have cleared all previous responses to avoid confusion.


Please have your ELO preference submitted via this form by the end of lunch on Thursday (Dec 1st).



Mr Fidler

from Finalsite Academy News

Grade 8 Drama Class

Well done to 8.2 (B), 8.4 and 8.3 for completing their monologue and scene performances. A lot of students met the standard and a handful have extended it. The other grade eight classes will be next. Below is the performance schedule:


Nov. 30, Wednesday          8.1

December 1, Thursday      8.5

December 6, Tuesday        8.2 (A)


Memorize your lines, wear your costumes and bring your best performance.


from Finalsite Academy News

Drama Yoga Festival

Drama Yoga Festival is FULL. Currently, there is a wait list to the wait list. More information about that will be given in January. Thank you for everyone who has signed-up.

from Finalsite Academy News

ISTA Audition

The sign-up for the ISTA Audition will close on Thursday. Audition details are below:


Audition: Friday, December 2

Time:       3:40-5:40 PM

Venue:   Black Box


Everything you need to know about the audition is written at the Audition form. ISB has 20 slots in the festival.


from Finalsite Academy News


Click on the link to see grade six art students showing off their newest
street art project.

from Finalsite Academy News

Candy Gram Sale

The Habitat For Humanity Candy Gram sale will be next week.  Save your money and we will see you next Tuesday!

from Finalsite Academy News

Double Dragon Success in Great Wall Shoot-Out

ISB's varsity boys' and girls' basketball teams were crowned champions of the 2016 Tim Callahan Great Wall Shoot-Out after dominating their finals on November 26.

from Finalsite Academy News

Monday, November 28, 2016

Audi Engineer Speaks at MS Science Café

ISB's Middle School Science Café put aspiring engineers in the driver's seat on November 25 as Audi China Executive Vice President Saad Metz discussed innovation in developing autonomous cars.

from Finalsite Academy News

4 Tips to Prepare Your Bathroom for Winter Months

Content originally published and Shared from

Winter is on the horizon. If you haven’t prepared your bathrooms for cold weather, now is the time. Here are some tips to help you prepare your bathroom for the upcoming winter months, including: checking windows and pipes, adding some heating, setting the mood & winterizing your toilet.

Image Source: Flickr

Image Source: Flickr

Below are 4 tips to prepare your bathroom for the winter months:

Check Windows and Pipes

Bathrooms can be draughty places, so it’s a good idea to check your windows for cracks and reseal any worn silicone. It might also be a good idea to check your pipes for cracks and leaks, as well as ensuring all your pipework is properly insulated. By ensuring there are no problems in your bathroom to begin with, you can avoid small problems getting bigger down the track, which can often happen in winter with frozen pipes causing expensive issues. Source: BathroomCity

Add Some Heating
Is there anything more unpleasant than having to make a trip to the bathroom in the middle of the night, only to discover that the entire room is freezing cold?  You can avoid this unpleasant scenario – to a point, anyway – by adding a heating element to your bathroom during the winter months. If your bathroom doesn’t already have its own heat source, add a space heater or other portable heating device that can be switched on to heat up at least part of the room as quickly as possible. Source: AmericanBathInd

Set the mood
Speaking of simple swaps, trading out bathroom accessories to fit the season is a great way to change the look of the bath. Display cozy, plush robes to keep bathers warm when stepping out of the shower and make guests feel right at home. Consider installing robe hooks close to the shower door for easy access. For added flair, incorporate accessories such as towels in a festive pattern, splashes of gold in soap dishes, or hints of bronze in candle holders and picture frames. Source: WaynecoJournalBanner

Winterize Your Toilet
You may be unaware that you can winterize your toilet and prevent this fixture from freezing during cold weather. In fact winterizing the toilet is quite easy and does not take much time at all to complete. This process involves using plumber’s antifreeze, which you can buy at most home improvement or hardware stores.
Before you pour in the antifreeze, you should first empty the water out of the back tank. Once the water is drained, you can then pour in the antifreeze and then flush it into the bowl and drainage system. After you flush, you should then pour a half cup of plumber’s antifreeze into each sink, shower, and tub in your house. This step winterizes the entire drainage system in your bathroom. Source: KitchenCabinetKings

Perfect Bath
Phone: Toll Free 1-866-843-1641
Calgary, Alberta

The post 4 Tips to Prepare Your Bathroom for Winter Months appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.

from Perfect Bath Canada

Urgent Request for O+ Blood Donors

Click here for the latest information about how you can help.

from Finalsite Academy News

4 Inexpensive Home Improvements for the Winter Months

Is your home ready to weather the upcoming winter? Now is the ideal time for making some improvements around the house to make sure it’s ready to handle the cold weather, snowstorms, and other “unforeseen” surprises. Here are 4 inexpensive home improvements that you might want to consider, including: checking and tuning up your heating system, adding extra insulation, spicing up your kitchen and repainting.

Image Source: Flickr

Image Source: Flickr

Checking and Tuning up Your Heating System
Before the start of the cold season, it’s not a bad idea to tune up your furnace. 30% of an average home’s energy costs are related to heating, and this number can spike further if you have inefficiencies with your furnace or boiler system. The first place to start is by replacing the filter at the beginning of the season and every couple of months while you run the furnace. When purchasing a new filter, note that the cheap ones are made just to protect the furnace fan motor, so make sure to get a more efficient and healthy pleated filter for improved air quality. Source: Inhabitat

Adding Extra Insulation
Unless you live in an older home, chances are the walls in your house are fairly well insulated with fiberglass batt insulation. If not, you’ll want to look at insulating your home’s walls sufficiently.
Even brand new homes often lack sufficient insulation in the attic. Since heat travels up, this presents a huge problem in the winter. According to Energy Star, you don’t have enough attic insulation if you can easily see the floor joists in your attic. This do-it-yourself guide from Energy Star shows you how to better insulate your attic on your own. Source: Money.USNews

Spicing Up Your Kitchen
Full kitchen remodels can be incredibly expensive, and that’s especially true if you have to get plumbers or electricians involved. But a lot of kitchens don’t necessarily need a complete redo; they could be vastly improved with just a few inexpensive changes and upgrades.
If your cabinets need a facelift, consider sanding and staining them, or even repainting or glazing them to add an updated look. And if your appliances are still in good shape, give them a good cleaning inside and out to help them look their best.
Winter might drag on, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make these long, cold months productive. Instead of counting down until spring, create a list of easy, inexpensive improvements to help pass the time while you’re stuck indoors. Then get started – because spring will be here before you know it. Source: TheSimpleDollar

You’ve been staring at your neutral colored walls every day for months. Want to brighten your mood? Try repainting! Go with a bright, cheery color to liven things up.
I always repaint in the winter because that’s when I need the most visual stimulation. A new coat of paint can dramatically lift your mood and the mood of the entire room.
Make sure you crack open the windows to let in fresh air while you’re painting. Or, consider going with an eco-friendly, low-VOC paint so you don’t have to worry about breathing in toxic fumes. Source: MoneyCrashers


Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains
8279 Ross St, Vancouver, BC V5X 4W1
(604) 360-2114

from Kerrisdale RD

Daily Schedule (November 29)

Today is Day A - 2

from Finalsite Academy News


Mathletes! Join us at lunch today for the School Countdown Round. This is a mandatory meeting for students travelling to the regional competition in Hong Kong. 

from Finalsite Academy News

HS Greenkeepers Environmental Art Contest!

Hi guys! We - the HS Greenkeepers club, are holding an environmental art contest for the middle school. Click on the link to watch a super short video regarding the competition:

from Finalsite Academy News

World Scholars' Cup

Do you like to argue with strangers; or would you at least like to become more skilled at arguing with your parents?  Do you love to research new things; or would at least like to know more than your friends?  Do you like traveling to faraway places like ISB, Hanoi, and Yale University?  Do you like alpacas; or at least want to know what an alpaca is?


Then World Scholars’ Cup is for you.  Come to an informational meeting this Thursday, December 1st from 3:30-4:30 in room 3108. 


from Finalsite Academy News

MS Leavers Lunch

WHAT - MS Leavers Lunch

TIME - 12:30 to 1:10PM

WHEN - TODAY (29Nov2016)

WHERE - MS Design Space (Room 2116)


Teachers please be aware that students will have a hall pass to leave class a few minutes early to get lunch and meet the Counselors and EdTech Facilitators in Room 2116. Thank you for bringing your laptops. We look forward to meeting with you! Have a great learning day! 

from Finalsite Academy News

The Candy Gram Sale begins today!

Today we will begin the candy gram sale in the MS cafeteria! Each candy gram will be 10 RMB and will be given to either students, teachers or someone very ‘Special’. Write a card that will be delivered with the candy gram to someone. Be positive! Note that candy gram sales will end on Friday.

from Finalsite Academy News

World Scholars' Cup

Do you like to argue with strangers; or would you at least like to become more skilled at arguing with your parents?  Do you love to research new things; or would at least like to know more than your friends?  Do you like traveling to faraway places like ISB, Hanoi, and Yale University?  Do you like alpacas; or at least want to know what an alpaca is?

Then World Scholars’ Cup is for you.  Come to an informational meeting this Thursday, December 1st from 3:30-4:30 in room 3108. 

from Finalsite Academy News


Do you like wearing comfortable clothes? Do you want to feel like a little kid again? 


Well, today’s your lucky day! Today’s theme is Pajama Day! I hope you all brought your PJ’s! And don’t forget to buy your tickets for the function coming up on Friday. Each ticket costs 20 RMB and it includes dinner, as well as the movie BFG and disco. Today’s sellers are:

Matthew Yang 6-8

Bali Cuthbert 6-1

Ava Nunan 7-1

Jonathan Zhang 8-1


MS STUCO Reps – remember to email your participation rates to our Secretary Kenny Do before 8:30am. Include your home room number and the number of people in your room who made the effort to “get in the spirit”!



Tomorrow’s theme is Twin Day. Remember to get your teams ready for tomorrows’ exciting event: The banana shuffle! Teams of 8 with 4 boys, 4 girls, all of the same grade level. Give your team a name, write it down and give your team list to Mr Fidler at Lunch tomorrow, if not before.


from Finalsite Academy News

Treasure in the MS library

This week in the MS library there is treasure for you to find. During your lunch time you are invited to come to the library and if you ask the library staff for your treasure map they will hand you your sheet of clues. There will be a maximum amount of participants at one time and you are encouraged to participate in teams of 2 or 3 as well! Have fun – Mrs Fidler.


from Finalsite Academy News

Last Call For Middle School Table Tennis

Last Call For Middle School Table Tennis this Saturday at Harrow, if you are interested could you please go to see Mr. Cuthbert in the Activities office right after Home room on Tueday.


Those students who have given their names to Mr. Cuthbert already,  could please go to the activities office as well.  This will only take 5 minutes.


from Finalsite Academy News


SENIOR INDIVIDUAL GRADUATION PORTRAIT PHOTOS are from Monday January 16th to Thursday January 19th in the Middle School Glass Box from 9:00am-4:00pm each day. You are required to have your picture taken in gown and cap for the yearbook but these can also be used as graduation photos.

Imagine Photography Studio will be taking these photos. THIS IS A FORMAL PICTURE SO PLEASE BE DRESSED, PRESSED and LOOKING YOUR BEST for this. You can also take group photo with your friends. You will use one of your Senior Privilege or study hall periods to complete this once over the four days. The sign-up sheets are in the high school office. SEE TO THIS RIGHT AWAY. You have until December 15 to sign up.

from Finalsite Academy News

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Thespians Improvisation Night!

IMPROV NIGHT  - this Thursday, December 1st from 3:30 to 5:40 in the Black Box. Participate or come watch the competition full of comedy, drama and excitement. Sign up in groups of four, sign up sheets are located in the PA hallway or contact Mr. Rosevear, Kelsey Schoeman, Josh Toronto, or Ray Kao.

from Finalsite Academy News


BIO 1 CAP PROJECT! During study hall, if you have time, please watch this video about the harmful effects of animal agriculture. It might be a bit long, but it is incredibly eye-opening and at times, poignant. This is an issue that more people need to be aware of. Thank you! (
Also, if we have piqued your interest, you can also learn more by:
  1. Watching the full documentary Cowspiracy, which is available on Netflix
  2. Watching the documentary Food Inc. (Also on Netflix)
  3. Reading this New York Times OP-ED written by Michael Pollan back in 2008 (still extremely informative and powerful)
Lastly, if you are interested in doing something to support our cause, you can pledge to be vegan or vegetarian for one week. If you wish to do this, please click on this survey link and write down your name.
Thank you!

from Finalsite Academy News

The Ultimate Holiday Wish List from Gem Gossip 2016


This Holiday Gift Guide features new, designer jewelry only -- if you'd like some antique and vintage finds, check out @shopGEMGOSSIP

If I may brag for a minute, I might want to say this is the best Holiday Gift Guide I've ever compiled in the history of Gem Gossip and I think you'll agree!  It is different than anything I've ever done because not only is it heavily curated, only 15 items from 15 different jewelry designers, but on top of picking out the best out there, I've reached out to each designer and asked for exclusive discounts on each product I've chosen. Move over Oprah's Favorite Things, Gem Gossip's Ultimate Holiday Wish List is here! 

Follow along each day on Instagram as I reveal one item at a time--there will be a teaser photo, which will announce the designer of the soon-to-be-revealed promo item, followed by the item itself. A description of the wish list item will be included, along with how you can claim the discounted price for Gem Gossip readers only. To make things easy, my Instagram bio will house a direct link to claim the discount. 

Each day, this blog post will be updated with the items as well, so if you ever need to reference back it will be here. Links will be included here too! I can't wait for you to see all the great deals and unique items I had the honor of choosing for this year's holiday gift guide, some are so good I own them myself!

Full disclosure: There is a small fee designer's had to pay to be involved in this project. I receive zero commission based on how many pieces of each item sell during this promotion--this is not a commission-based program. 


from Gem Gossip

Habitat For Humanity ASA sign up

Habitat For Humanity ASA is up and running again on Monday.  All are welcome, even if you have not signed up…you can become official later.


Be sure to come to 3409, Mrs. Patty’s room, today after school.  See you then!


from Finalsite Academy News

Calling all MS Girls Footballers!

Now that the season is over, our good friends at Club Football are going to be offering you the chance to keep working on your skills over the winter months! They will be offering soccer at ISB on Mondays on the dome turf from 16:40-17:50. Sessions are coached by FA/UEFA qualified coaches, and focus on technical development with a matchplay focus. There will be 2 free sessions on Monday November 21st and Monday November 28th so you can come and try out. If you like it you can sign up and the course will start from December. Everyone welcome to come along!

from Finalsite Academy News

Lost and Found Items Claim

Subject: Lost and Found Items Claim
Venue: outside of High School Cafeteria
Time: 10.30  to 13:30
Date: 7th, 8th,9th, Dec., 2016

from Finalsite Academy News

Daily Schedule (November 28)

Today is Day F - 1

from Finalsite Academy News

5th Block this week

This Wednesday at 2:30, the grade 11 students have Sports, Exercise & Health Science (SEHL) HL and grade 12 students have English Lang &Lit HL. 

from Finalsite Academy News

Grade 12 IB meeting

Note to all grade 12 students (who are taking even 1 IB course), that we will have an important information session in the Theatre during flex time on Thursday Dec 1st.

Bring your candidate number and a pen. You need to hand in a signed form during the meeting.

from Finalsite Academy News

Holiday Hounds

Hello friends! Winter is coming, and along with it the fun and festivities of the holidays. To make sure that our animal friends are also included in the holiday cheer, Roots & Shoots is holding our annual Holiday Hounds fundraiser throughout week! 


A variety of stuffed animals ranging from adorable to adorable will be sold in the cafeteria between 50 and 150RMB. All proceeds will go to providing the animals of the BHAEEC animal shelter with food, blankets, vaccines and other necessities for the long, harsh winter months. 


"Amidst the Christmas carols, eggnog, cookies and mounds of presents, may your heart be filled with contentment and the unique feeling of joy that the season brings.."

from Finalsite Academy News

HFH Holiday Hounds

Hello friends! Winter is coming, and along with it the fun and festivities of the holidays. To make sure that our animal friends are also included in the holiday cheer, Roots & Shoots is holding our annual Holiday Hounds fundraiser throughout week


A variety of stuffed animals ranging from adorable to adorable will be sold outside of the cafeteria between 50 and 150RMB. All proceeds will go to providing the animals of the BHAEEC animal shelter with food, blankets, vaccines and other necessities for the long, harsh winter months. 


"Amidst the Christmas carols, eggnog, cookies and mounds of presents, may your heart be filled with contentment and the unique feeling of joy that the season brings.."


from Finalsite Academy News

MS Spirit Week

Hi everyone, who’s ready for another fabulous Middle School Spirit Week? MS STUCO are primed ready to go! What is happening today to ask?

1. Spirit Week Function Tickets

The function is on this coming Friday night 6:00pm – 9:00pm in the Dome. Tickets are just 20rmb which get you brilliant company, a pasta meal, the movie “BFG”, a disco and the chance to run around inside the Dome. Tickets will be available at Lunch time today, tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday.

2. Spirit Week Reminder Assembly

This is on in the Theatre at 2:55pm – see you there!

from Finalsite Academy News

G7 Health

Grade 7 - Health TODAY (Hamada/ Cooper)

Please go to Gym 3 for PE today.

from Finalsite Academy News

Saturday, November 26, 2016

PTA Meeting

Tuesday - December 6, 2016
12:30 - 1:30pm
Room 1218


from Finalsite Academy News

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Daily Schedule (November 25)

Today is Day E - 1

from Finalsite Academy News

Synchro by Bold – 29 West Coast Modern Presale Condos in Mount Pleasant

South elevation rendering of Synchro at 379 East Broadway.

At a Glance

  • 5-storey, mixed-use mid-rise
  • 29 1- & 2-bedroom residences
  • 3 ground floor retail space
  • 1 ground floor restaurant space
  • 38 underground parking spaces
  • direct access to bike routes & public transit
  • close to Main Street boutiques, cafes, restaurants
  • proximity to post-secondary schools
  • near Brewery Creek, Olympic Village, False Creek

Human-Centred Design
Introducing Bold Properties’ flagship collection of 29 West Coast modern homes in Mount Pleasant. Featuring an integrated system of smart home technologies – from wireless climate and lighting control to keyless entry – and a philosophy based on human-centred design, Synchro has been developed with quality of life at its heart. This is a rare, appointment-only opportunity to own in Bold Properties’ vision of the future of Mount Pleasant.

Be A Presale Condo VIP!

Find Out About New Presales & Get Access to VIP Openings & Special Promotions!

  • Should be Empty:

With Synchro, enjoy an outstanding range of walkable options for your day-to-day shopping needs. Directly opposite, Kingsgate Mall offers grocery shopping, a drugstore, a liquor store, clothing stores, a bank, an optician, dentist, and a hair salon. Within a two-block radius of Main and Broadway, you’ll find an enviable variety of bustling multi-ethnic restaurants to enjoy a night out. With a bus stop and bicycle route literally outside your door, mobility options are unparalleled! Kick back at Dude Chilling Park, relax with a coffee at Kafka’s, fill your growler at Main Street Brewing, groove to live music at the Biltmore, or pick up a book from the local Vancouver Public Library branch. Experience urban life and human-centred design in synchronicity, in the heart of Mount Pleasant.

Pricing for Synchro
As this is an appointment-only ownership opportunity, contact me to learn what purchase options are available.

Floor Plans for Synchro
Finalized floor plans have not yet been released. However, Synchro will offer 13 1-bedroom floor plans, ranging from 532-653 sq ft, and 16 family-friendly 2-bedroom floor plans from 724-1,062 sq ft.

Amenities at Synchro
Most homes include outdoor areas with either balconies or private landscaped roof decks. There will also be an outside amenity space that provides urban agriculture, a space for children to play, and a gathering area.

Parking and Storage
Synchro will provide 38 parking spaces in two levels of underground accessed from the lane, consisting of 8 small car, 16 standard car, 2 handicapped, 1 car-sharing, and 5 commercial parking stalls. There will also be 37 Class A bicycle stalls and 6 Class B bicycle stalls. In addition, a lane-accessed loading bay will service ground floor commercial tenants. All homes have in-suite storage.

Maintenance Fees at Synchro
Will be included in final pricing details.

Developer Team for Synchro
Bold Properties is a real estate developer fueled by innovation, creativity, and the needs of their customers. They meticulously design their developments in order to construct, nurture, and foster new communities across Greater Vancouver. Bold challenges the notion of typical in an effort to bring you the newest and greatest in real estate without compromising on tradition or quality.

Bold Properties have chosen Ankenman Marchand Architects to articulate their vision for Synchro. AMA is experienced in a broad spectrum of architectural, urban design, and community planning projects, including multi-residential developments, commercial projects, heritage restoration, and resort planning. At AMA, fresh ideas are paired with technical skill, to produce award-winning results. Their multi-disciplinary team finds thoughtful solutions to clients’ needs, using sustainable building practices and building information modelling. AMA’s strengths are in quality of service and the form and function of the resulting architecture, regardless of budget.

Expected Completion for Synchro
Although a completion date has yet to be announced, construction will begin in December 2016.

Are you interested in learning more about other homes in Mount Pleasant, along Main Street, or near False Creek?

Check out these great Mount Pleasant presales!

The post Synchro by Bold – 29 West Coast Modern Presale Condos in Mount Pleasant appeared first on Mike Stewart Real Estate Specialist 604-763-3136.

from Blog – Mike Stewart Real Estate Specialist 604-763-3136

After school today

Students who need to wait at school for the show to start tonight, please be in a supervised activity or in the cafeteria until 6 o'clock.

from Finalsite Academy News

HS Pre Season Soccer

HS Pre Season Soccer for boys and girls has started and we want more of you to come and join us! Practices are Tuesday and Friday - if you are keen to get in shape before the season starts next February, please come to the dome turf pitch this coming Tuesday at 16:30.


from Finalsite Academy News

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Running Club

Running Club (Monday & Friday - 3:45pm - meet at track)
This is a great way to keep fit over the cold, winter months.

from Finalsite Academy News

MS Futures Academy Applications 2017-2018

MS Futures Academy - First round applications will be processed by December 17th.  For more information and to download the application form, please click here.

from Finalsite Academy News

Daily Schedule (November 24)

Today is Day D - 2

from Finalsite Academy News

MS STUCO Meeting Today

There is a meeting today in Room 3302. Bring your lunch.

from Finalsite Academy News

Fall Book Fair

November 24 & 25 (Thu & Fri) 8:00 am – 4:30 pm

Location: 2nd floor gallery

Books for all interest and reading levels in English and Chinese

from Finalsite Academy News

Fall Book Fair

November 24 & 25 (Thu & Fri) 8:00 am – 4:30 pm

Location: 2nd floor gallery

Books for all interest and reading levels in English and Chinese

from Finalsite Academy News

Announcement from Activities office

We are still look for people who would like to join Middle School Roots and Shoots.  Please if you are interested come to the activities office.


Also,  ISAC MS Table Tennis on December 3rd at Harrow.  Please come to the activities office and see  Mr. Cuthbert to sign up.

from Finalsite Academy News

Mariage Freres x Costes Tea - Limited Edition


The Costes tea has been exclusively created by Mariage Freres, an icon of French tea since 1854. With a history of three centuries, Mariage Freres can be connected to Louis XIV, and the reinvention of the art of tea.

Besides Costes, for whom the tea is conceived, KAVUT is the only retailer carrying the unique blend. This luxurious tea, composed from Mariage Freres's finest ingredients, makes an exceptional holiday gift. 

Tasting notes: a fabulous black tea with a velvety and joyful combination of intense fruity notes, lifted by sharp spices - burnt orange, red berries, cinnamon, clove, and cardamom seed.

from KAVUT - Blog

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


The updated ELO Guidebook is now available here on Dragon’s Gate! Inside the guidebook is the link to sign up for ELOs. In the sign up form you will be asked for three ELOs you are interested in. While we cannot guarantee you will placed into your first choice, you will certainly be in one of the three you choose!


If you are interested in an ELO that has a supplementary fee, please be sure to discuss this with your parents before sign ups close on Friday at 6pm.



Mr Fidler and Mr Mizzone

from Finalsite Academy News

Security Notice

To ensure the safety and security of all students, staff and parents at ISB, we are in the process of updating all Ayi and Driver ID cards. Please click here for important information on how to update these details related to your family.

from Finalsite Academy News

Reminder about jian bing

Students may not buy jian bing through the stadium fence at any time during the school day.  Students found doing so will face a consequence.  Please buy them on your way into school if you want them.

from Finalsite Academy News

Semester 1 Final Exams Expectations

Are you taking a Semester One Final exam? 

What can I bring into the exam?  What can't I bring in?   What if I am late?  Do I have to stay if I finish early?  Can I leave campus?  Do we have mentoring? ….....

Please check out the information in the link below on Dragons Gate, High School page 

from Finalsite Academy News


Daily Schedule (November 23)

Today is Day C - 2

from Finalsite Academy News

Attention Hutong Cast

There is no rehearsal on Wednesday afternoon. Have a good rest and see you at 2:00 pm on Thursday for opening night. Remember to bring your make-up, a water bottle and your Hutong shirt for Thursday.

from Finalsite Academy News

Tiger Endangerment Day!

Hi Middle-schoolers! Paws, think, save a tiger! These animals are currently in the state of extinction because of habitat loss and human influences. We would like to raise awareness to support them. If you like tigers and free chocolate, come check out the Tiger Endangerment Day event during lunch time on November 24th! Help spread awareness for tiger endangerment in China! 


We’d like to have this announcement starting from Monday 20th of November till Friday 25th of November.


Thank you,


HS Biology Team


from Finalsite Academy News

Middle School Science Cafe: Friday, November 25th 12:40-1:05 in the LMC

Join Saad Metz, the Executive Vice President of Audi China and Head of Audi Research and Development in Beijing for a discussion on how science is used to design and build cars.  Mr. Metz team focuses on developing New Energy Vehicles, Digitalization and Connectivity, as well as Automated Driving for the Asian Market.

Open to all Middle School students.

from Finalsite Academy News

We Invite You To A Movie Night!

We invite y'all to a movie night on Friday, November 25th. We will provide dinner and snacks for 35 RMB while watching an amazing movie "Lady and the Tramp" while you wait for the play, "Once Upon A Hutong". We promise that it won't clash with the play. In addition, if you come to this awesome movie night, you will be helping the LangFang orphanage and the children less fortunate than you guys. We will be selling tickets from Wednesday-Friday Lunch time. Please come with your friends to the MPR at 4-6 Friday and help support out high school Nightingale Charity Club!!!!!!!!!!

-Your Beloved High School Members

from Finalsite Academy News

7th Grade Girls Volleyball

Games for this Thursday (24th) have been canceled.  Due to activities in our gyms on that day, practices must also be canceled.  There will be no volleyball game nor practice on Thursday. Regular practices will be held next week.  Whites practice from 3:45-4:45pm and blues will practice from 4:45-5:45pm.  


from Finalsite Academy News




A reminder to all Middle School and High School students that the auditions for the SIMPLY PIANO concert are approaching fast.

Sign up notices are on the performing arts notice board for interested students. The time limit is 5 minutes.


Students are required to give their name as it would appear on the program, the full correct title and movement number if applicable, key and opus number or equivalent, and the composer.  No gaps are to be left in the sign ups unless a designated time has been approved.


All enquiries to Mr Freeman  room 1727


from Finalsite Academy News

Introducing Our New Designer - AS29

 Introducing AS29 - tough elegance with refined edge.

Founded in 2008 by fourth-generation Belgian diamond dealer Audrey Savransky, AS29 broke new ground with rock ‘n’ roll inspired, flirty designs.

Offering modern women the perfect cure to diamond envy with a unique provocative take on fine jewelry, the AS29 designs are bold and feminine.

“The majority of my pieces have been designed to be worn at anytime of day. You start with a simple ring and by adding and stacking other pieces you get a more evening /night time/ elaborate look." explains Audrey. “You don’t wear diamonds just on special occasions anymore.” 

- Audrey Savransky

Golda Collection Short Straight EarringLA Collection Halo Oval Choker in Silver

from KAVUT - Blog

Decorate Your Ears this Holiday with Arik Kastan

Arik Kastan | Gem Gossip Arik Kastan | Gem Gossip

Arik Kastan

Arik Kastan | Gem Gossip

Add a little twinkle to your ears this holiday season! The Starlight Drop earrings add effortless elegance to any outfit, whether its your holiday dress or your casual jean and t-shirt look. Set with labradorite in the center, surrounded by garnets.

Starlight drop earrings, Price: $858

Arik Kastan | Gem Gossip

We love these drop earrings done in 14k rose gold and rose cut diamonds. The ornate design of the round floral cluster is a great for a double-take reaction. You'll have heads turning when wearing these, whether it's at a holiday party or New Year's bash!

Nouveau Flower drop earrings, Price: $1,826

Arik Kastan | Gem Gossip

Chic and dramatic, these Pinwheel drop earrings will make her mouth drop if she unwrapped these sparklers. A holiday morning surprise is our favorite kind of treat and these earrings will do just the trick. 

Pinwheel drop earrings, Price: $1,540

Arik Kastan | Gem Gossip

Your ears will be feeling fabulous with these cluster earrings from Arik Kastan. We've combined a labradorite in the center along with some dark blue sapphires to create this edgy and romantic pair of beauties. They are 100% holiday appropriate.

Stargazer drop earrings, Price: $1,220

Arik Kastan | Gem Gossip

Just as dahlias can represent grace and inner strength, these drop earrings were designed based on these beautiful flowers. We've set them with blue sapphires in the center and rose cut diamonds for the petals. Of course, our signature and exclusive 14k rose gold just makes them pop!

Dahlia drop earrings, Price: $1,540

Image and video hosting by TinyPic


from Gem Gossip

Monday, November 21, 2016

5 Tips to Keep your Bathroom Warm This Winter

Content originally published and Shared from

It’s easy to bundle up to keep yourself warm when it’s winter cold. But when it’s time to step into the bathroom, just the thought of it already gives you chills. Here are 5 things to do so you can make your bathroom experience warm and cozy despite the cold weather:

Image Source: Flickr

Image Source: Flickr

Efficiency Check
If your bathroom feels chillier than the rest of the house, the windows may be the culprit. Perform a quick test to see if your windows are letting in drafts by holding up a piece of tissue around the perimeter—if it moves, you have an air leak. Caulk around the window to prevent future air flow. Source: BobVila

Consider a Home Sauna
Historically much more common in countries like Sweden, saunas are becoming more popular in the States. Source: Houzz

Buy a Rug
Make sure it’s a rug made specifically for bathrooms, but not a plastic bathmat. Try to get a soft one, so it’s comfortable to walk on. Make sure it’s absorbent. Source: WikiHow

Install a Steam Shower
When your muscles ache or you’ve just braved a day filled with snow and slush, wouldn’t you love to treat yourself to an herb-scented steam bath? It’s possible to bring this health club experience home by transforming an ordinary shower stall into a rejuvenating steam shower. You can buy a steam-generating system for about $2,500, plus the cost of re-tiling and installing a steam-proof shower enclosure. There’s plumbing and electrical work involved, so you’ll need to hire pros for this job. Once installed, you’ll find your steam shower to be a relatively frugal energy consumer: A 20-minute steam bath requires about 2 gallons of water — a fraction of the 50 gallons used by a water-saving showerhead in the same time frame. Source: Bathrooms.About

Warm up your Towels
Heated towel racks are a quick and easy solution to warm things up. Just imagine stepping out of the shower to a nice warm towel. You can either install the rails, or have a freestanding rack, making this approach the simplest and most practical step towards a warmer bathroom. Source: Lifestyle

Perfect Bath
Phone: Toll Free 1-866-843-1641
Calgary, Alberta

The post 5 Tips to Keep your Bathroom Warm This Winter appeared first on Perfect Bath Canada.

from Perfect Bath Canada

Tips to Winter-Proof Your Patio

Prepare your patio this winter by following the tips below:

Image Source: Flickr

Image Source: Flickr

Assess, repair, replace and store outdoor furniture.
- Check for any repairs you can take care of over the winter. If you need a winter project, you may want to re-stain or repaint at your leisure. I like to give my pieces a fresh coat during that first fluky warm weekend pre-spring. This way, my wonky stacking for storage doesn’t ruin my work.
- Determine whether any pieces are beyond repair; you may just get lucky and find a replacement at a deep discount this time of year.
- Clean and store furniture you’re saving for next year. Source: Houzz

- If you live in a climate where the winters are mild, you can fire up your outdoor grill or smoker year round. Otherwise, clean and cover your outdoor cooking equipment at the end of the season to help prevent rust.
- If you have a gas grill, turn off the propane gas tank and disconnect the hose. If your grill connects to a gas line, turn off the valve to the grill and the one to your home. Then clean the grill, inside and out, with a stiff wire brush and a degreaser, following the manufacturer’s instructions. Don’t forget to clean the drip pan under the grill box, too; you may need to soak it overnight in hot water and a grease-cutting dish detergent.
- Use a weather resistant cover to protect your grill from the elements. Universal covers fit a range of sizes and shapes, if you can’t find one designed for your model. A good cover should resist cracking and fading and drop down far enough to cover the legs of the grill. Choose a cover that fits snugly, or one with adjustable closures, so it won’t blow off. Source: Homedepot

Apply a Protective Finish
After cleaning, it’s important to apply a water-repellent finish to protect your deck against the damaging effects of winter. Moisture such as ice, snow, sleet and rain can penetrate an unprotected surface, which can cause splitting, cracking and warping. Fortunately, there’s a wide variety of premium exterior wood finishes that offer protection against the elements while giving you the opportunity to achieve any desired look. Source: HGTV

For more advice on how to winter-proof your home, contact us!

Kerrisdale Roofing & Drains
8279 Ross St, Vancouver, BC V5X 4W1
(604) 360-2114

from Kerrisdale RD


There will be an audition today, Tuesday November 22 at 3:35pm in the choir room. There will also be one on Monday November 28th at 3:35pm in the Choir Room.  You need only attend one of these auditions. Audition packets from the PA office.

from Finalsite Academy News

Kindness Cards

To all high school teachers and staff, kindness cards have been delivered to your mail boxes in the High School office. Please pick them up and bring them to mentoring on Friday for the students.Thank you!


from Finalsite Academy News

Daily Schedule (November 22)

Today is Day B - 1

from Finalsite Academy News

Principal's List

Check out the huge Principal's List

from Finalsite Academy News

Zohab Khan, Australian Slam Poet Champion

Calling all HS STUDENTS: Zohab Khan will perform on Wednesday, November 23 after school at 2:45 in the HS Library. All are welcome. Come, listen, and enjoy Khan's performance. The show will last approximately an hour. Seats are first come, first serve, so don't be late! 

He is also in the library this week during the following days and blocks to work with individual students: Tuesday during block G, Wednesday during block D, Friday during block D and block A. 

from Finalsite Academy News


Everyone should be in the theater by 2:55 to see the teaser for Once Upon a Hutong.  We are following the End of Day Assembly Schedule.

from Finalsite Academy News

Spirit Week Function DJ's Needed

Calling Grade 8 possible DJ’s. We need a couple of DJ’s for the MS STUCO Spirit Week disco on Friday 2nd December. If you are interested please see Mr Fidler by the end of school tomorrow.

from Finalsite Academy News

Attention Hutong Cast

Come to the theater today at 2:00 PM to prepare for the assembly. Wear your Hutong shirts.

from Finalsite Academy News

Grade 7 and grade 8 project pick up

All Grade 7 Students.


Thank you to the grade 7 individuals who displayed their work at last Saturday’s Innovation Fair. Your projects were very well received by parents and the ISB community. Your projects may be picked-up in Mr. Williams’ room, 3120, any time before the weekend. Again, thank you very much for your hard work.

Cheers, Randy


Grade 6 – Board Games

Christina Kio, Olivia Xiao, Emily Wang - Hades Palace (The Domain); Sunny Roh, Minjoo Kim, Bekah Black, Tori Hill - RPS Redemption; Etsuko Ng, Sun Young Byun, Aderyn Dettman, Jacey Chen – Cornopoly; Alice Lim, Yoobin, Cho, Annie Yeung, Callie Yu - Midnight Mystery; Ethan Koh, Lapo Nencini, Joshua Xie, Nolan Langley - Vehicle Madness; Miles Huang, Ben Bailey, Young Soo, Kim, Sam Yap - Spinnin’ Madness; Sydney McCawley, Katie Chao, Chun-Chan Warwick, Mayah Sevy - The Hollywood Walk of Fame

Grade 7 – Inventor’s Fair

Sarah Bohner/Molly Homer/Elsie Kibby - High Heels/Flat Shoes; Amy Lu, Lilian Ho, Gloria Henricksen, Angela Wei - Tech-It Tech Jacket


from Finalsite Academy News

Hutong Cast will need to be dismissed early

Hutong Cast will need to be dismissed early on the following dates and times.

Nov. 22, Tuesday                                2:00 PM (period 5)

Nov. 24, Thursday              2:00 PM (period 5)


Attached is the cast list.

from Finalsite Academy News


We will be running the team’s MathCounts competition today at lunch in the FA space for ALL Mathletes (both those that did and did not qualify for the Hong Kong team). See you there!

from Finalsite Academy News

Book Art Pick Up

Book Art Q1 can pick up your art in Ms. Patty 's room 3405.

from Finalsite Academy News

Gr 6 health and space

From 22nd of Nov PE Health classes will be in the following rooms until Dec 2nd.

Krista 6.1 Ms. Mo's homeroom

Mona 6.2 Library

Greg 6.3 Library 

Russel 6.4 Homeroom 

Eric 6.5 Library

Eddie 6.6 Homeroom 

Iain 6.7 Homeroom

Allie 6.8 Library 

23rd Wednesday Nov is the only exception in which the space will change (due to Tom Schimmer meeting with our department over block 1 & 2). All students in 6.5, 6.6, 6.7, 6.8 will be going to the Theatre - Upper Gallery Block 1 


from Finalsite Academy News

Found item

Found phones, please check at MS office

from Finalsite Academy News

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Tuesday Flex Time

Students in all grade levels, please go to the Dome during flex time this Tuesday.

from Finalsite Academy News

12 of My Latest Obsessions + Words of Wisdom for the Holidays/End of the Year

Gem Gossip

1. I've added a few new rings to my personal collection over the past couple of months from my recent trips. I met up with a fellow collector while in California and had the opportunity to buy a few pieces from her personal collection like the top row (minus the far left). I even discovered a website I can't get enough of--The RealReal--where my husband bought me our 1st anniversary gift (the turquoise navette ring above). I knew of the website, but never went to it thinking it was only designer purses and items from Chanel, Gucci, Louis Vuitton. I was pleasantly surprised at their fine jewelry selection!

Gem Gossip

2. Another obsession of mine since earlier this year has been which stands for Everything But the House! It's a treasure hunter's dream come true and this company is killing it right now. They are a virtual estate sale website, which features high quality sales from homes all over the US, in the form of an online auction. Anything from home decor, to clothing, collectibles, cars and even jewelry is featured. I've purchased two large gold mirrors, a rock & mineral collection and my best yet, the ring pictured above on my middle finger!

Gem Gossip crown

3. Fun fact about me: I competed in beauty pageants when I was younger and although terribly shy, I would transform into a different person when on stage. Why? All for the love of crowns! I thought the crowns were made of real diamonds and I was obsessed with them when I was little. This is the biggest one I've ever won, and I have over 50 of them.

Gem Gossip

4. I'm obsessed with the hunt--anytime there is a big show coming up like Miami or Las Vegas, or if I have a buying trip planned, I get so excited I can't sleep. I couldn't believe Nashville was finally getting their own "Big Flea" and its first show was this past weekend. For one of the very first times ever in my life, I went to a show by myself and didn't run into anyone I know. It was such a relaxing and fun experience and I left with two amazing rings (above).

Jessica McCormack

5. In time for the holidays, Jessica McCormack (one of my favorite British jewelry designers) released this really cool concept. It is called the Taster Menu and it is a beautiful set of 13 mini mismatched earrings which can be styled in multiple ways. The motive behind it boasts the tagline "because you can't just have one" and is perfect for what is currently trending with earring styles.

Gem Gossip

6. Shades of purple: a color I've always been drawn to since I was little, I've been obsessed lately with all things purple, including gems. Everything from amethyst, to iolite and even opals with a strong purple play of color. My entire bedroom at one point was all purple. Nowadays, I'll stick with purple jewels!

Gem Gossip

7. I'm head over heels for charms and I think we've realized this since my last post and my new hashtag #gemgossipcharms Here are some of my latest favorites--definitely have an Egyptian theme going, a weird-but-cool section, a sentimental section and everything in between. I'll be going to my jeweler this week to finally convert my panther stick pin he found for me. I've also been layering my Dana Seng Jewelry birthstone initial necklace with anything and everything. It is a great base to start with.

Gem Gossip

8. An all-gold look will always be a favorite of mine and this look combines another fun trend--geometrics--and takes everything to a whole new level. The ring on my middle finger is what I received for Christmas from my husband last year, it is designed by Osnat Har Noy. The bottom ring on my ring finger is by Tiro Tiro and on top of that ring I've added a stretched out snake ring. The pointer finger are three versions of my RING ONE from my Gem Gossip Jewelry line, which I've since retired that style.

Nektar de Stagni | Gem Gossip

9. If you've ever felt like pearls were too soft and feminine for you, may I present to you this badass pendant necklace by Nektar de Stagni Designs. The moment I laid eyes on this piece, I thought it was the coolest. I was right. I've been wearing it ever since I got it last week, you can get one too >> click here.

Gem Gossip baby rings

10. If there's anything more perfect, it is finding an antique baby ring that fits either your pinky or your mid-section of any finger exactly. I've acquired quite the bunch over the last several years of collecting. They definitely make me happy and I've started a hashtag for them as well: #gemgossipbabyrings but there's a catch: you have to reveal 5 fun facts about your childhood when you post. It is so fun to read everyone's!

Gem Gossip

11. After admiring Circa1700 and her Eternal Love Snake Charm Holder for a few years, I am so stoked to finally have my own! Problem is, it is so cool I am intimidated by which charms to put on it--only the best will do! Above, I'm attempting to maybe add these but I'm not certain. If you'd like to order your own just email -- they come in two sizes-- 1" or 1/2" and choose either yellow or rose gold and pick your gemstone eyes!

Husband's Charm Collection

12. Lucky enough to have a husband that also appreciates jewelry and collects it as well! Here is his charm you can see he loves medallions. Hoping to find him a really unique medallion this holiday season--if you are a seller and have any round medallions, let me know!

I was really pleased with my last 12 Latest Obsessions post I did and had a really great response from others as well. For one reason or another, that post resonated with people and that is exactly what I was wanting. Here I am again creating another installment--this time with some words of wisdom just before the holiday season gets under way, and some things to keep in mind with the closing out of another year. The end of the year is a great time to focus, get inspired and reevaluate things. I've also revamped my entire Pinterest page, which took SO LONG, but I've been trying to not ignore that page anymore. Sometimes it is hard to transfer what you have going on in your head into a website layout or a Pinterest page, but hopefully with the reorganization I did, you can better connect with all the best features of Gem Gossip. Let me know your feedback! One of my favorite new boards is the #GemGossipFigas board (I've embedded it below).

And speaking of better connecting, I've got a really exciting announcement this involves singing up with your email (found on the sidebar) so get to it! ;)

Words of Wisdom for the Holidays/End of Year:

1. Declutter and reorganize just before the holidays! This is the best way to evaluate what you have, what you constantly use or wear, and to figure out what you might want to ask for for the holidays. Whenever it gets close to this time of year and family asks me what I want, I almost get clueless as to what to say. If there are things in your closet you haven't worn in over a year, you might want to pitch them. It is also a great time of year to donate!

I got rid of lots of clothes, shoes, purses and even went through the dogs' toys. Go through things in your office and bathrooms too. 

2. Make memories by putting down your iPhone. I need to be more aware of this, especially around Thanksgiving, where every year I say I want to learn how to cook the turkey, but end up on my iPhone looking at pictures people are posting of their turkey spread.  This year, choose to live in the moment--hide your phone somewhere and make memories. Have conversations, look at old pictures, and reminisce. This time of year only happens once every 365 days, so make sure you enjoy and remember it!

3. Start your holiday shopping early and set a budget. Making a list helps--start by listing everyone you need to buy for and start jotting down ideas. It is ok to ask people what they want. I always like to gift my mom and dad something special each year. Last year I got my mom a KitchenAid mixer, something she has wanted since they were invented, and I've never seen her be so surprised and happy over a gift! It was awesome. Budgeting is also important, so I like to either use cash or debit when Christmas shopping. I'm still paying off a credit card from last year--bad mistake!

4. Learn a new recipe to make and share. Seems like a constant similarity within everyone's holidays is FOOD. I've been finally getting into cooking and this year I'm looking forward to finding a great recipe to make and bring with me. If you don't have enough time to do this from now until Thanksgiving, plan ahead for Christmas, Hanukah, or New Years. 

5. Reflect on the positives of the year and start to plan for the next year! Sure, everyone has bad things that happened within the past year, but focus on all the positives and only the positives. What made this year special? What was an unforgettable moment? Plan for the new year with these on your brain and try to remember that the best is yet to come. 2017 is going to be an amazing year!



WANT MORE? You may also enjoy all my Inspiration Boards I've created over the years.

from Gem Gossip